
Showing posts from August, 2024

'Tis A Point I Long To Know...

1. ’Tis a point I long to know,   Oft it causes anxious thought;   Do I love the Lord, or no?   Am I His, or am I not? 2. If I am, why am I thus?   Why this dull and lifeless frame?   Hardly, sure, can they be worse,   Who have never heard His name! 3. Could my heart so hard remain,   Prayer a task and burden prove;   Every trifle give me pain,   If I knew a Savior’s love? 4. When I turn my eyes within,   All is dark, and vain, and wild;   Filled with unbelief and sin,   Can I deem myself a child? 5. If I pray, or hear, or read,   Sin is mixed with all I do;   You that love the Lord indeed,   Tell me, Is it so with you? 6. Yet I mourn my stubborn will,   Find my sin, a grief, and thrall;   Should I grieve for what I feel,   If I did not love at all? 7. Could I joy His saints to meet,   Choose the ways I once abhorred,   Find, at times, the promise sweet,   If I did not love the Lord? 8. Lord decide the doubtful case!   Thou Who art Thy people’s sun;   Shine upon Thy work of grace,   If


I left the pulpit one night and a fellow asked me, “Do you believe ‘the law’ to be a believer’s rule of life?” He seemed surprised when I told him I did not. His very next question was, “How do you know how to live?” I told him immediately that I lived just as the Apostle Paul, “The life that I now live, I live by the faith of the Son of God , ” (Galations 2:20) . This was the rule of life for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Abel and all others who have nothing but Jesus Christ to live upon.      Someone would say, “You mean you live as you want to?” I wish I could: I’d be filled with the Spirit, I would never sin again, all my motives would be pure, I’d be delivered from this body of death. Oh, I wish I could live just like I want to. The closest thing I have found to living just like I’d like to is living by faith upon Jesus Christ the Dear and Blessed Son of God. -copied

False Accusations

  When the religious accuse us of being lawless, what they are really saying is: “If I believed what you believe, I would be lawless.” They would have nothing to restrain their sin.     Being under the law, they know nothing of the constraining love of Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:14)   Being in the flesh, they know nothing of the power of the Spirit of God. (Romans 8:12-14) Being under the judgment of the law, they know nothing of the law of liberty. (James 2:10-12)       Their accusations are not based on what they see in the believer’s life, but rather on what they fear in their own lives. "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ ." (1 Peter 3:15-16) – preacher Greg Elmquist

All Things Must Be Fulfilled

" These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the Psalms concerning Me." -Luke 24:44 [KJV] Christ’s work was to fulfil all Scripture. It is ours to believe, that the Scriptures are all fulfilled in Christ. Hence we are filled with all joy and peace in believing (Romans 15:13.) We complain of the weakness of faith. We neglect the means by which it is strengthened. Faith comes by hearing the word of God. By it faith is strengthened. That which comes not from the word, and is not supported by the word, is not faith, but phantom. It will soon evaporate. Our Saviour was now risen. His work was finished. He appeals to the understanding of His disciples. He refers them to what He had spoken to them, before He died for them.  Understanding the word in the heart, is like the stomach receiving, and digesting the food for the whole body. All part


  Upon the cross of Calvary, The Savior took my blame; He suffered untold grief and pain, To put away my shame. The wrath of God poured out on Him, While hanging on that tree; The condemnation for my sin, He bore it all for me.   ‘Twas in this way the Lord of all, Could justly make me whole; Forgive my sinfulness and guilt, And save my wretched soul. The blood of Christ poured out for me, My pardon has secured; For all the vengeance due my sin, The Lord Himself endured.   Who can condemn the sons of God, Since Christ for us has died? The Father sees our Substitute, And we are justified. Washed in His sin-atoning blood, The Savior’s Name we bless; Christ Jesus is our all in all, He is our Righteousness!

Though Weak in Thyself, Be Strong in The LORD

" I said in my haste, All men are liars." -Psalm 116:11 [KJV] We are prone to be too hasty in our censures of others, while the greatest fault lies at our own door. David here brands all men, with being liars, when he himself was the greatest liar of all, if we take the words in this sense. Here, he even charges Samuel the prophet of the Lord with a lie. For he had anointed him to be king, and assured him of the kingdom. But he spoke in haste, without due thought and deliberation— unadvisedly, under temptation, when he was off his guard, and fled from the rage of Saul.  Though some think, David rather uttered the bold language of confident faith. I said in my flight, that notwithstanding all the fury of Saul, and all the suggestions of my enemies to the contrary, “Let God be true, and every man a liar” (Romans 3:4.) The Lord will surely preserve me. I shall certainly be king. David was the subject, both of faith and unbelief: of a hasty spirit, which exalteth

My Sins Are Not Hid From Thee (Psalm 69:5)

King David was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write many psalms, some of which are classified by Bible scholars as messianic, meaning that David spoke both of himself literally and of the Lord Jesus Christ typically and prophetically. Psalm 69 is a messianic psalm. When we read verses like Psalm 69:5, which says, “O God, Thou knowest my foolishness; and my sins are not hid from Thee,” we can easily see how such language applies to David as a sinner saved by the grace of God in Christ. Like all true believers, David confessed that he in himself was a foolish man who had no wisdom but Christ and the Word of God in Christ. He confessed that, even as justified by God based on the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ and though not charged with his sin by God (cf. Psalm 32:1-2; Rom. 4:6-8; 8:33-34), in himself he was still a sinful man. He knew his sins were not hidden from God’s view (2 Sam. 12:9; Psalm 51:4).  But how could these words in any way apply to our Lord and Sav

Thought for the Day ~ 29 August, 2024 A.D.

"F aith is not the cause or condition of ... reconciliation; faith does not make peace with God, or reconciliation for sin, but receives the atonement already made ."  - John Gill , The Cause of God in Truth , p.103


" Most gladly, therefore, will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." -II Corinthians 12:9 [KJV] Though St. Paul is not now in the third heavens, yet he is not content, to speak any language below the superlative degree, most gladly. O, says he, “I have had the richest experience of my own weakness and impotence, that ever I had in my life. I should be most glad, every day, to be thus emptied and laid low at the feet of Christ, that the all-sufficiency of His grace, and the power of His strength might be made perfect in me.  What does he mean by infirmities? All that weakness, feebleness, and inability, which he found in his nature, to withstand sin and Satan, to bear up under His crosses, trials, and distresses—to run the way of God’s commandments—to fight the good fight of faith, etc. I will rather glory in these. What means he? I will glory, rejoice, and be glad, that self is laid low, my proud nature debased, my self-ex

The Wednesday Word ~ 28 August, 2024 A.D.

  Jesus is Omniscient by D.G. Miles McKee Last time we discovered that Christ is Omnipotent (all powerful). Now we´ll consider that Christ is Omniscient.  That means He knows all things! We read in Revelation 5:6 of “--- a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes …” The seven eyes present a picture of the Lamb’s perfect Omniscience. This language corresponds directly with Zechariah 3:9 and 4:10, where we encounter God’s omniscience displayed by the seven eyes.  God knows everything; He is Omniscient! Let’s face it; if He didn’t know everything, He wouldn’t be much of a God!  He would be a limited sort of a fellow and certainly no one to whom we could bring our deepest concerns and questions.   However, it is of interest to note that the scriptures declare that it is Yahweh alone Who knows the hearts of men!  In 1 Kings 8:39 we read,  “For Thou, even Thou only, know the hearts of all the children of men .” Yahweh, because of His omniscience, knows all thing

The Lamb of God taketh away our sin!

" Worthy is the LAMB." -Revelation 5:12 [KJV] This the song, this the glory of angels and redeemed sinners heaven. To know, believe in, love, and follow this Lamb, constitutes our heaven upon earth. Sin is our hell. But this Lamb of God taketh away our sin. Then heaven is in our souls. O that ever we should be ashamed of this Lamb, Who is heaven’s wonder and heaven’s glory! Is not this thought of being ashamed of God’s Lamb, like a dagger to our heart? Lamb of God, have mercy upon us! Why is our dear Saviour called a Lamb?  (1st.) Because of His immaculate purity. He was holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners: without a spot of sin, or stain of impurity.  (2d.) He was meek and inoffensive like a lamb. A lamb has no weapon of hostility. It never hurts any one. It cannot defend itself against assaults. It becomes an easy prey. All this Christ was in His life.  Therefore, (3d.) like a lamb, He was taken and slain. He was the very paschal Lamb, to take aw

Thought for the Day ~ 28 August, 2024 A.D.

"There are some things which He [ God ] cannot do ... He cannot commit iniquity, which is contrary to the purity and holiness of His nature; He cannot do an act of injustice to any of His creatures, that is contrary to His justice and righteousness; He cannot lie, that is contrary to His veracity and truth; He cannot deny Himself, for that is against His nature and perfections; and for the same reason He cannot forgive sin without a satisfaction, because so to do, does not agree with the perfections of His nature." -John Gill, A Body of Doctrinal and Practical Divinity , p.477

Precious Savior, Friend of Sinners

  Precious Savior, friend of sinners We, as such, to Thee draw near Let Thy Spirit dwell within us With that love that casts out fear. Matchless Savior, let us know Thee As the Lord our Righteousness Cause our hearts to cleave unto Thee Come, and with Thy presence bless.   Open now Thy precious treasure Let Thy Word here freely flow Give to us a gracious measure ‘Tis Thyself we long to know. Come and claim us as Thy portion Let us all find rest in Thee Leave us not to empty notions We would find our hope in Thee!   Gospel Hymn, “Our Great Savior”  

Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 27 August, 2024 A.D.

" Peter said unto Him, Lord, why cannot I follow Thee now? I will lay down my life for Thy sake." -John 13:37 [KJV] Peter seems now in a happy frame indeed. All is warmth of love and sunshine of joy. Ecstacies carry us out of ourselves. We forget what we are, where we are, what we are exposed to, and what may soon befall us. Like Peter on the mount, we are apt to speak without due consideration. We know not what we say. The fire of passion exceeds the bounds of solid judgment. “ Why cannot I follow Thee now? Let the way be strewed with ever so many difficulties—let ever so many dangers oppose, nothing is able to dismay or dishearten me. I have just now such fervent love to Thee, that I could face death in the most frightful form, and lay down my life with the greatest pleasure for Thy sake.”  Doubtless, Peter now thought himself perfect and free from all sin. What thinkest, O soul? Is Peter’s language becoming him or not? Is it not a noble and generous declarati

Thought for the Day ~ 27 August, 2024 A.D.

"It is certain, that for those who shall not be saved, salvation was not purchased, nor should it be offered to them, nor indeed to any.  ... Such for whom salvation is purchased ... to these, this salvation is not offered, but applied.  The Gospel is not an offer, but the power of God unto salvation , to these persons." -John Gill, The Cause of God in Truth , p.103

Grace and Adjectives

If men knew the Scriptural meaning of grace, all adjectives would be rendered redundant.  Adjectives like sovereign, saving, free and effectual are inherent in the meaning!  But no man by nature has any concept of what the Bible means by grace. Men believe it is an offer of good will on God’s part but the result of grace depends on man’s acceptance or rejection of that offer.  This concept of grace bears no resemblance to the Grace of God revealed in Holy Scripture!  Grace like that cannot save a sinner!  Therefore adjectives are needed to define grace.  God’s grace is not something offered.  It is always sovereign, always saving, always free, and always effectual. When grace is understood, these adjectives are inherent in the meaning of the word! -Unknown preacher of righteousness 

LORD JESUS Christ ~ Friend of Sinners

" I know that Thou wilt bring me to death, and to the house appointed for all living." -Job. 30:23 [KJV] What sweet familiarity does grace make, between God and believing sinners! How freely can they speak to him, upon that solemn event, death. In the exercise of faith, we think of it, without terror, and speak of it with delight. Why so? Because we have no sin, and are not sinners? No. But because we know Christ the Friend of sinners, Who has taken away all our sins, conquered death for us, subdued the fear of death in us, brought life and immortality to us, and is ever before the throne pleading for us. Yet we know, also, HE will bring us to death.  O this is soul-comforting knowledge! What wilt Thou, my loving God, my precious Saviour, Who bore my sins in Thine own body on the tree, bring me to death? Are the issues of life and death in Thy hand? Cannot death approach nor assault me, till Thou give him commission, and bring me to death? I thank Thee, my dear


(The author of the great hymn, “Amazing Grace,” wrote the following in a letter to a friend who had been sick a long time.)   I trust you will find the name and grace of Jesus more and more precious to you:  His promises more sweet, and your hope in them more abiding; your sense of your own weakness and unworthiness daily increasing; your persuasion of His all-sufficiency to guide, support and comfort you more confirmed.  You owe your growth in these respects, in a great measure, to His blessing upon those afflictions which He has prepared for you and sanctified to you.  May you praise Him for all that is past and trust Him for all that is to come. Your humble servant, John Newton, April 13, 1776 A.D.


" I am found of them that sought Me not." -Isaiah 65:1 [KJV] Every display of the Saviour’s grace, is a jewel in His mediatorial crown. O what hearts have we, that we are not more humble before Him, more thankful to Him, and more joyful in Him! Jesus, help us Gentile sinners, to look back, to look within, to look up, and to look forward, to excite humility, thankfulness, and joy of heart.  (1st.) Look back, O my soul. View thy natural state; lying dead asleep in the arms of the wicked one—dead to God—under the power of sin—in love with the world—blind to the charms of Christ, without a single desire after Him, or the least care for thy immortal soul.  (2d.) Look within, dost thou find affection to Jesus, and desires after Him? Is it the language of thy heart, none but Christ— I look to none but Him —I expect salvation from Him, and Him only? O whence this mighty change? Say, did you first seek Christ, or Christ you? Did your desires first go out after Christ, o

Precious Promises to those in CHRIST

  “The L ORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the L ORD delivereth him out of them all” (Psalm 34:18-19, KJV).

Hymn of Praise

  Sovereign grace o’er sin abounding Ransomed souls the tidings swell  ‘Tis a deep that knows no sounding Who its breadth or length can tell? On its glories, on its glories Let my soul forever dwell.   What from Christ my soul can sever Bound by everlasting bands? Once in Him, in Him forever Thus th’ eternal covenant stands None shall pluck me, none shall pluck me From the strength of Israel’s hands.   Heirs of God, join-heirs with Jesus Long ere time its race begun To His Name eternal praises Oh! What wonders love hath done! One with Jesus, One with Jesus By eternal union One.   On such love, my soul still ponder Love so great, so rich, so free Say, whilst lost in holy wonder Why, O Lord, such love to me? Hallelujah, Hallelujah Grace shall reign eternally!    Tune: “Come and Welcome”