" He who is washed, needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ye are clean ." -John 13:10 [KJV] How precious is the word of the Lord! being in great disorder of body and heaviness of soul, our Lord refreshed and comforted me with these words. Here, Christ most plainly teaches us these blessed truths: (1st.) That every believer is washed by Him from the filth of all his sins. (2nd.) That each and every one are equally and alike perfectly clean from all sin, in God’s sight; “not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing , ” (Ephesians 5:27.) — “Justified from all things before God , ” (Acts 13:39.) There is not one condemnation against them from God (see Romans 8:1.) Therefore, (3d.) They need no other cleansing to make them acceptable to God, pure in His sight, meet to come into His presence now, and to enjoy Him to all eternity. Rejoice, O my fellow-sinners! and thou, too, my soul! in a lowly, self-abasing, disciple washin...