
Showing posts from May 1, 2019

Watch and Pray

"Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation." -M ATTHEW 26:41 [KJV] The entering into temptation is a different thing from temptation itself. "Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation." A temptation presents itself, draws near to us, or we draw near to it. If conscience sound an alarm, and we keep, so to speak, to the windward of temptation, we are for the present safe. Temptation is a lee shore on which the wind fiercely blows; it is a coast strewed with a thousand wrecks, and with the bleached bones of innumerable drowned mariners. Keep the ship's head to windward, and she may weather the point; neglect sail and helm, and she will go ashore. David and Joseph were exposed to a similar temptation. David entered into it, and fell; Joseph was kept from entering into it, and stood. In the country you often see a footpath across a field; if we keep in it we are safe. But we may be tempted by various objects to diverge a little, to gathe

Show Forth the Praises of our LORD JESUS CHRIST

God formed all people, they are all the workmanship of God; but there are a few characters set especially apart as a little group, whom God has ordained to glorify; and to them He says, " This people have I formed for M yself, and they shall shew forth My praise" (I SAIAH 43:21) . "O yes," says free-will, "They shall have a chance to do it, if they will." But God says, "They shall." Unbelief says "You shan’t;" carnal reason says, "You can’t;" and inbred corruption says "You won’t." But when God says "You shall," and when He speaks the divine "shall," it comes with an invincible energy to the conscience, and that blessed truth is made manifest that "He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill" (P SALM 113:7) . – Gospel report by preacher William Gadsby (1773–1844 A.D.)


  “Y e that make mention of the L ORD , keep not silence” -I SAIAH 62:6 [KJV] How can the redeemed of the Lord keep silent about the Lord Jesus? How can we keep silent about Him when His name is so beautiful? How can we keep silent about Him when His work of redemption is so glorious? How can we keep silent about Him when His person is so perfect? As followers of Christ we have embraced five words concerning Him. They are, “My King and my God” (P SALM 5:2) . How can we, therefore, keep silent about Him? How can we be silent about the everlasting truths of the Gospel? How can we, for example, be silent that God was manifest in the flesh? ( I T IMOTHY 3:16) . How can we be silent when we think of how He suffered for us? “Oh, think of Jesus, as He stands before Pilate Condemned as a villain, when from sin He was clean Though they wrongly accused Him, and cruelly used Him Yet He spoke not a word, though the tears filled His gaze Think how t