
Showing posts from May 28, 2020

No Good Thing Withheld

“ No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly” - P SALM 84:11 [KJV] If the Lord has brought us to believe His gospel of grace we may rest assured that He will never withhold from us that which is for our welfare. Let us remember, however, He alone determines what is a “ good thing.” We don’t have wisdom enough to determine what is beneficial for us or what will be harmful for us, but He does. Our heavenly Father always chooses for His people those things which will profit us spiritually and eternally, though they may be unpleasant, even offensive to the flesh. In what He gives and in what He withholds, may we always perceive His Fatherly wisdom, lovingkindness and faithfulness.   - Gospel report by preacher Jim Byrd Thirteenth Street Baptist church of Ashland, Kentucky USA Please find enclosed link to audio Gospel sermons & Contact Info:

Hold us up LORD, with Thy Everlasting Arms!

"If any man come to M e, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be M y disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after M e, cannot be M y disciple." -L UKE 14:26, 27 [KJV]   There is no middle path to heaven—there is no intermediate state between hell and heaven; no purgatory for that numerous class who think themselves hardly good enough for heaven, yet hardly bad enough for hell. No; there is no intermediate road nor state. We must win Christ as our own most blessed Jesus, and with H im enjoy the happiness and glory of heaven, or sink down to H ell with all our sins upon our head beneath H is most terrible frown . The soul then that has been charmed with the beauty and blessedness of JESUS longs to win Him, and that not for a day, month, or year, but for eternity; for in obtaining Him, it obtains all that God can give the soul of man to enjoy as created im...