
Showing posts from March 6, 2021

Our Faithful and Just LORD JESUS!

“ For it pleased the Father that in H im should all fullness dwell." - Colossians 1:19 [KJV] All wisdom to guide, all power to uphold, all love to soothe, all grace to support, all tenderness to sympathize, dwells in Christ. Let us, then, gird ourselves to a fresh taking hold of Christ. We must walk through this year not by sight, but by faith- and that faith must deal simply and directly, with Jesus. "Without M e y e can do nothing." But with His strength made perfect in our weakness, we can do all things. Oh, be this our course and our posture- "coming up from the wilderness leaning on her Beloved." Living in a world of imperfection and change, we must expect nothing perfect, nothing stable, in what we are, in what we do, or in what we enjoy. But amid the dissolving views of the world that "passes away," let us take firm hold of the unchangeableness of God. The wheels may revolve, but the axle on which they turn is immoveable. Such is our coven

Hail, Thou great and glorious Captain of my salvation!

"And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him, and he became a captain over them." - I Samuel 22:2 [KJV] My soul, was not this thy case when thou first sought after Jesus? Thou wert, indeed, in debt under an heavy load of insolvency. Distress and discontent sadly marked thy whole frame. Unconscious where to go, or to whom to seek, and no man cared for thy soul. Oh! what a precious thought it was, and which none but God the Holy Ghost could have put into thine heart— Go unto Jesus! And when I came, and Thou didst graciously condescend to be my Captain, from that hour how hath my soul been revived! My insolvency Thou hast taken away; for Thou hast more than paid the whole demands of the law; for Thou hast magnified it, and made it honourable. My distress under the apprehension of divine justice Thou hast removed; for God's justice, by Thee, is not only satisfied, but glorified.   M