" He who hath received His testimony, hath set to his seal that GOD IS TRUE." -John 3:33 [KJV] Wherein consists the essential difference between the righteous and the wicked? In this, the heart of the former receives the testimony of Christ, and thereby honours the God of truth. The latter rejects it, and thereby makes God a liar, (I John 5:10.) No marvel then, that it is declared, “He who believeth not the Son, shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him,” (John 3:36.) And that “God is angry with the wicked every day,” (Psalm 7:11.) Why? Because they every day live in this daring, provoking sin of unbelief of the testimony of the Son of God, and give God the lie to His face. This is the greatest sin under heaven. O the long-suffering patience of God, toward such stout-hearted rebels. Consider, (1st.) What is this testimony? It is the witness which Christ bears to the children of men, that He is the Son of God: that He came forth from God: that...