
Showing posts from July 20, 2024

The Word of Christ... in all wisdom

" Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom." -Proverbs 4:7 [KJV] In Joseph’s visions, the sun, moon, and stars, made obeisance to him, and all the sheaves bowed to his sheaf (Genesis 37:7.) So wisdom is honoured and exalted above and beyond every thing beside. This wisdom is the Son of God, “to Whom every knee shall bow” (Philippians 2:10.) Jesus under the character of wisdom, is said to cry—to utter His voice—behold I will pour out My Spirit into you—and wisdom is said to enter into the heart (see Proverbs 1:20-23, and 2:10.) All this can be applied to none other but Christ, Who is of God “made unto us wisdom” (I Corinthians 1:30.)   He cries after us miserable sinners— He utters His voice of love to us—He pours out His Spirit upon us—He enters into our hearts, and dwells there by faith. This truly is the principal thing. This, infinitely above all others, demands the whole of our attention, labour and diligence. Get what we may, yet without this