
Showing posts from November 6, 2024

The Wednesday Word ~ 06 November, 2024 A.D.

The Gospel According to Isaiah , Part I See Isaiah ch. 53 by D. G. Miles McKee Isaiah is primarily a book about Jesus. In fact, Isaiah is quoted more often in the New Testament than any other book from the Old Testament. On the night of His betrayal, in Luke 22:37, Jesus quoted from Isaiah. In Paul’s last recorded sermon in Acts 28 he quotes from Isaiah.  In Paul’s letters he continually quotes from Isaiah. For example, he says in 1 Corinthians 2: 9, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard neither has it entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love Him.” (Compare with Isaiah 64:4)  In  Revelation 21:4  John talks grandly about the compassionate God wiping away all tears from our eyes.  That once more is quoted from Isaiah! See Isaiah 25:8. As I have said, Isaiah is primarily a book about Jesus.  In fact, Isaiah saw Christ in His sovereign glory.  He says, “I saw the L ORD sitting on a Throne and He was high ...

Look Upon Me, O LORD

  Look upon me, Lord, I pray Thee Let Thy Spirit dwell in mine Thou hast sought me,  Thou hast bought me Take my heart and make it Thine.   Naught I ask for, naught I strive for But Thy grace so rich and free This Thou givest by the Saviour He hath all things who hath Thee.   Precious is the Name of Jesus Who can half its worth unfold Far beyond angelic praises Sweetly sung to harps of gold.   Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah Pilgrim through this barren land I am weak, but Thou art Mighty Hold me with Thy powerful hand.

We Gain the Righteousness of God's only Son

" The kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost." -Romans 14:17 [KJV] How much did our dear Saviour bear, what pains did He take with His first disciples, to teach them the nature of His kingdom? Their notions were carnal and worldly: His kingdom spiritual and heavenly. We are just like them. Blessed be His name, the Lord is the same in patience and love to teach us also. There ever was, now is, and ever will be a cry with us, Lo, here is Christ. Lo, there is the kingdom of God.   It consists in this external mode: that outward rite, ceremony, or institution. Just like those ministers, the dry-vines of this day, every subject they preach upon is to save you. If they preach, what is called a charity sermon, even the gift of money is to entitle you to God’s kingdom. But what says our Lord? Behold, take special notice, “The kingdom of God is within you , ” (Luke 17:21.) It consists in nothing carnal, or external....


"Who is a God like unto Thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He retaineth not His anger for ever, because He delighteth in mercy." -Micah 7:18 [KJV] God delighteth in mercy. It is not drawn from Him unwillingly; it is not forced out of Him even by importunity; it is not dragged out of his heart by the cries of His family; but He delights in it as being His darling attribute, the very pleasure of God being in shewing mercy to the miserable. How hard it is for us to believe this until mercy visits the soul and a sweet sense of it is felt in the conscience. How we represent to ourselves God in His anger, in His justice, in His terrible displeasure against sin and sinners; how unable to believe that there is mercy for us, and that He delights in manifesting mercy to poor miserable, penitent sinners. Whoever would have thought of mercy unless it had first been in the bosom of God? Who could have ventured to...

Our LORD's Vineyard

"In that day, sing ye unto her, a vineyard of red wine. I the L ORD do keep it, I will water it every moment; lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day." -Isaiah 27:2, 3 [KJV] And in what day, but the gospel day, could this song be sung with greater justness? Christ's church is indeed .a vineyard, hedged in, and fenced round, from the world's wilderness; so that all within it may well sing this song in Judah, when God hath made it like a strong city, and appointed "salvation for walls and bulwarks." Yea, God Himself hath sung to His well beloved Son, this song of His beloved, touching His vineyard. But what is the red wine of the vineyard? Red wine of Judaea, was of the choicest grapes; and surely the blood of Christ is the choicest of all blessings to the sinner's view . Now, my soul, mark the sweetness of Jesus's promise; it is He Who engageth to keep it; yea, to have His eye upon it night and day, lest any hurt it; yea, not ...