How Safe the People of God Are Truly
" The L ORD God is my strength, and He will make my feet like hinds' feet, and He will make me to walk upon mine high places." —Habakkuk 3:19 [KJV] "The righteous are as bold as a lion." —Proverbs 28:1 The words of wisdom are not like the pithy sayings of the Heathens, which merely describe states and things to which men never arrive nor enjoy; but they assure us, such and such has been, and still is the knowledge and experience of God's saints. So children of wisdom are taught their privileges, and their souls are drawn out in prayer and diligence, that they may also partake of the fulness of the blessings described. Whence is the boldness and courage of the righteous derived? See the young stripling David, how boldly he advances to the mighty giant Goliath, with an insignificant weapon in his hand, yet assured of success. For the faith of Omnipotence was in his heart, and these soul-encouraging words in his mouth, "I come to thee in th...