Contend Earnestly for God's Sovereign Free Grace
" Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines: for it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace." -Hebrews 13:9 [KJV] The doctrines of grace are streams which flow from the Fountain-Head, the covenant of grace. They all lead to Jesus, the surety of the covenant. All doctrines that oppose the covenant-engagements of the Holy Trinity, for the salvation of sinners, are diverse, and strange doctrines. They direct to a different hope than Christ, and lead souls from the truth, as it is in Him. With these diverse and strange doctrines, men may evidence great zeal for holiness and good works, while they have rooted enmity against the leading truths and capital doctrines of the gospel . Who talk more of holiness, and contend more for good works, than Arians and Socinians, and yet deny the proper deity of Christ? So many of another cast, carry their notions of holiness and perfection to the greatest height; yet vehemently oppose the doctrines ...