LORD JESUS Christ ~ Friend of Sinners

"I know that Thou wilt bring me to death, and to the house appointed for all living." -Job. 30:23 [KJV]

What sweet familiarity does grace make, between God and believing sinners! How freely can they speak to him, upon that solemn event, death. In the exercise of faith, we think of it, without terror, and speak of it with delight. Why so? Because we have no sin, and are not sinners? No. But because we know Christ the Friend of sinners, Who has taken away all our sins, conquered death for us, subdued the fear of death in us, brought life and immortality to us, and is ever before the throne pleading for us. Yet we know, also, HE will bring us to death. 

O this is soul-comforting knowledge! What wilt Thou, my loving God, my precious Saviour, Who bore my sins in Thine own body on the tree, bring me to death? Are the issues of life and death in Thy hand? Cannot death approach nor assault me, till Thou give him commission, and bring me to death? I thank Thee, my dear Lord, for this knowledge. Then death, thou art no more the hideous monster, the frightful king of terrors to my soul. No. My dear Friend brings me to thee, that I may salute thee, as an angel of love, and kiss thee as a messenger of peace. 

Fond parents carry their children to see fine sights, to delight them. They avoid horrid spectacles which would terrify them. So doth our heavenly Father by us. He brings us to death, that we may see and be delighted, with the glorious victories of His beloved Son. Here we behold Him, a triumphant conqueror over sin and death, and over the devil, who had the power of death. Our Father God brings us to the field of battle. He carries us through it. He shews us the spoils of His Son’s glorious conquest. There says He, See, reap and wear the blessed trophies of His victorious cross. All are for you, My children. Your enemies are all slain. A crown of glory for you, where you shall for ever reign. 

No sooner are we brought to, and carried through the field of battle, but shouts of victory await us. Hark, hark to the immortal spirits above. We shall soon be brought to join them in eternal shouts of Salvation to God and the Lamb. Now this is the life of faith. Believing in Christ, the fear of death is conquered. The hope of life is enjoyed. Eternal life is possessed; and we cry out, O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? We have an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. -II Corinthians 5:1. 


Why need I fear when God shall say, 

My son, now you must die? 

I’ll bring thro’ death to reign on high, 

With Me eternally. 

My Father gives His only Son, 

To conquer death for me: 

This work Christ hath for ever done, 

I shall His glory see.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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