
Showing posts from June 30, 2024

Praise the Name of JESUS for ever and ever...

  Son of God, one of the Trinity, Came to earth, a wondrous mystery; He descended by divine decree. O praise His Name!  Chorus   Chorus:   Jesus saved His chosen family, Paid our debt of sin on Calvary; By His grace He saves eternally, O praise His Name.   On the cross He bore our misery, Died from sin to set His people free; By Himself He won the victory, O praise His Name!  Chorus   Now for us the Savior intercedes, Unto Him the Holy Spirit leads; Every blessing from His throne proceeds, O praise His Name!  Chorus   Soon will come the long-awaited day, Christ will come and take His bride away; Never from His blessed side to stray, We’ll praise His Name.  Chorus   Then together in a perfect place, All the ransomed shall behold His face; Evermore to sing amazing grace, And praise His Name!  Chorus     Tune: “At Calvary” w/chorus  Words by Jim Byrd