
Showing posts from April 18, 2019

In Our Mighty God's Firm Grip!

The Bible teaches that you will be glorified in heaven, “ If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel …” (C OLOSSIANS 1:23) . Many look at verses such as this and conclude that the final end of salvation is conditioned on the believer’s perseverance or continuance in the faith. This is why so many believe that a sinner can be saved then lost if he does not persevere. But this is neither the teaching of this verse nor any part of the Scriptures. The Bible, the Gospel message itself, teaches plainly that all who are saved by the grace of God will, by that same grace in Christ, persevere unto the end. Those who claim to believe the Gospel and then totally leave it were never saved at all ( I J OHN 2:18-19) . The issue of perseverance is not one of retaining salvation based on a persistence in the faith, but of possession of salvation as evidenced by a continuation in the faith. Always remember SALVATION

Electing Love

We preach election because there is not a single blessing that comes to us from the hand of our Redeemer that is not stamped with the hand of God’s electing love. The Scriptures say, “God hath chosen you to salvation.” Again, “He hath chosen us that we should be holy.” Again, “The God of our fathers hath chosen thee that thou shouldst know His will.” It is not in ourselves that these blessings are constrained. We have them because of OUR UNION WITH CHRIST, and we are united with Christ because of the Father’s divine and sovereign choice. Let us never imagine that the atoning sacrifice of Christ was intended to make an angry God willing to be merciful. That is not the truth. Jesus Christ died, not to create mercy and love in the heart of God, but to open a just and righteous way for that mercy and love which is there from all eternity. God’s mercy and love went forth to us before the Saviour came. THAT’S WHY HE CAME! Spiritual blessings are heavenly blessings. They come from

The Ground of Our Assurance

If I were asked, What is the ground of our justification ( being declared righteous and accepted ) before and with God? I would answer without hesitation, The righteousness God has provided in and by His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, through His obedience unto death, which God has imputed ( charged, accounted ) to us. There is no other ground of justification before God. Faith is not that ground; repentance is not that ground; obedience is not that ground. The ground of forgiveness and acceptance before God is entirely and exclusively the work of Christ on the cross as God the Father “ made Him to be sin for us” ( charging, accounting our sins to Christ ) , “ that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him” ( accounting, charging Christ’s righteousness to us ). When this great truth is ignored, denied, challenged, or confused, the whole Gospel of God’s sovereign grace and the whole standing of the church is also ignored, denied, challenged, and confused.