
Showing posts from June 13, 2024

Taken Away From the Present Evil...

" The righteous is taken away from the evil." -Isaiah 57:1 [KJV] Why then do we not rejoice over the dead, who die in the Lord? Why do we, who profess to be in the Lord, fear to die? Death will be the funeral of all our evils, and the resurrection of all our comforts. Why then do we at all dread it? Why so reluctant to be taken from the many evils we suffer here? Why not rather be longing to be for ever with the Lord? Plainly, it is for want of faith. The point is not fully settled between our Saviour and our souls, whether we are His righteous members or not, and hence we do not walk closely and comfortably with Him, and then the fear of death prevails over us.  A believer in Jesus, and a righteous person, are convertible terms. Every believer is a living member of Christ, united to, and one with Him. They are righteous as Christ is, as man and Mediator. His very righteousness is theirs. They are clothed with it, and stand perfectly righteous before God in it.


"...then is the offence of the cross ceased." -Galatians 5:11 [KJV] Another version reads the words as a question, Is the offence of the cross ceased? No, nor ever will, while there is a Christian upon the earth. The cross is put for that ever-loving Jesus, Who hung upon it as a curse for our souls, and an atonement for our sins . O let us be ever jealous of, zealous for, the glory of the cross, for the sake of the Lamb, Who finished our salvation upon it. The cross of Christ is the Christian’s glory. The offence the world takes at him, is a proof that he has taken up the cross of Christ, and is following Him.  This no man can do faithfully, but he must give offence. Settle this well in your mind. Sit down and count your cost. Are you willing to be Christ’s glory, and the world’s scorn? Do you expect all from the cross? Then give up all for the cross. Here nature recoils. Flesh and blood rebels. Carnal reason pleads, that worldly prudence may be attended to. L