
Showing posts from August 6, 2024

An Heir of God through Christ JESUS

"And if a son, then an heir of GOD through CHRIST." -Colossians 4:7 [KJV] St. Paul’s rational conclusions are enough to put all the sophistry of men and devils, to confusion; and to silence all the unscriptural objections of unbelief. (1st.) If a son of God by adoption and grace; then no more a servant under the law, working to obtain the favour of God, righteousness, justification unto life, and salvation by obedience to the law: or to dread its curse and condemnation, for transgressions against it. This truth will try you, whether you have the disposition of a son of God, or not. If not, you will cry, O this is fine doctrine! It suits my lusts exceedingly well.  If I am not made a son by my works, nor continued a son for my works: seeing I get no good by obeying the law, nor any evil by transgressing it: I will gratify my lusts. This is the real language of carnal nature, not of a regenerate soul. Such plainly evince, that they have not the genuine love of a s

Thought for the Day ~ 06 August, 2024 A.D.

[Mortification] may be so called because of the violence of that contest which the soul is put unto in this duty.  All other duties that we are called unto in the course of our obedience may be performed in a more easy, gentle, and plain manner.  Though it is our work and duty to conflict with all sorts of temptations, yea, to wrestle with “principalities and powers, and spiritual wickednesses in high places,” yet in this which we have with ourselves, which is wholly within us, there is more of warring, fighting, captivating, wounding, crying out for help and assistance, a deep sense of such a violence as is used in taking away the life of a mortal enemy, than in any thing else we are called unto. -preacher John Owen