Call upon the name of Christ JESUS today, "The LORD our righteousness"!
"THE WORLD BY WISDOM KNEW NOT GOD" -I Corinthians 1:21 [KJV] What did the philosophy of Greece do for its disciples? It made them ignorant worshipers of an "unknown God" (Acts 17:23) . The inscription on their altar published to the universe their ignorance and shame. How can I know God? Where can I find Him? Can science and philosophy tell me? Have they ever told anyone? No, never. "The world by wisdom knew not God." The schools of ancient philosophy could only plunge the human mind into darkness and hopeless bewilderment, and the schools of modern philosophy are not one bit better. They give no certainty, no safe anchorage, no solid ground of confidence, only hopeless speculation, torturing doubt, wild and baseless theory. That's all human philosophy in any age or any nation has to offer an earnest seeker of truth. How then are we to know God? If such a stupendous result hangs on this knowledge; if to know God is life eternal, and Jesus says it i...