“ And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as M y Father hath appointed unto Me ” -L UKE 22:29 [KJV] For whom is this kingdom appointed? For the presumptuous, the proud, the hypocritical, and self-righteous? No; not for these. “I appoint unto you,” you that, “have continued with M e in M y temptations;” you that are tempted and exercised; you that walk in the paths of tribulation; you that follow in the print of the foot steps of a suffering Jesus; you that know the painful exercises of temptation, and you are strengthened with strength in the inner man, to resist even unto blood, “striving against sin,” so as not to be carried away or overwhelmed by it. What kingdom is this? It is the same kingdom that the Father hath given to Jesus. “I appoint unto you a kingdom, as M y Father hath appointed unto M e.” Now what is the kingdom which God the Father appointed unto H is dear Son? Is it to sit upon a throne like an earthly monarch? To wear a diadem, and carry a scepter? “...