
Showing posts from May 12, 2019


“ And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as M y Father hath appointed unto Me ” -L UKE 22:29 [KJV]   For whom is this kingdom appointed? For the presumptuous, the proud, the hypocritical, and self-righteous? No; not for these. “I appoint unto you,” you that, “have continued with M e in M y temptations;” you that are tempted and exercised; you that walk in the paths of tribulation; you that follow in the print of the foot steps of a suffering Jesus; you that know the painful exercises of temptation, and you are strengthened with strength in the inner man, to resist even unto blood, “striving against sin,” so as not to be carried away or overwhelmed by it. What kingdom is this? It is the same kingdom that the Father hath given to Jesus. “I appoint unto you a kingdom, as M y Father hath appointed unto M e.” Now what is the kingdom which God the Father appointed unto H is dear Son? Is it to sit upon a throne like an earthly monarch? To wear a diadem, and carry a scepter? “...

God's Word

God's Word is more lasting than His other works. If God has made one world, He can make another; if He has made one universe, He can make fifty. But after giving us one complete revelation of His Will through His Word, He will never give another. That one stands alone. What God has made known in the book of nature will pass away. Like a worn-out coat, all this material creation shall be put away. But “The Word of the Lord endureth forever.” “And this is the Word which by the Gospel is preached to you” so that God magnifies His Word by making it everlasting. “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but MY WORD S SHALL NOT PASS AWAY .” -Gospel report by preacher Charles Spurgeon (1834–1892 A.D.)

Would You Be Justified Before GOD?

...Then learn one thing! Jesus Christ is ALL in our justification before God! Only through Christ can a sinner have peace with the Holy God. Only by Christ alone can a sinner be accepted and admitted into God's presence. HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS is the only robe which will cover us. HIS BLOOD is the only mark that will save us from eternal death. HIS NAME is the only name by which we shall obtain an entrance through the gate of eternal glory. I pity those who try to obtain God's favor by their works; and I sound a clear warning - you are building on sand; you are spending money for that which is not bread; you will hear Him say, “ Depart from Me, ye that work iniquity ” (MATTHEW 7:21-23) . But this I know - not one person has ever entered heaven's courts with any testimony but this: “ Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood… TO HIM BE GLORY ” (R EVELATION 1:5-6) . -Gospel report by preacher Henry Mahan Audio Gospel Se...

There Is No Other

“ THERE IS NO OTHER SAVIOR BUT CHRIST TO LOOK TO, no other MEDIATOR between God and men to make use of, no other PHYSICIAN of value for diseased and sin-sick souls to apply unto, no other FOUNTAIN but His blood for polluted souls to wash in and be cleansed, no other CITY OF REFUGE or stronghold for souls sensible of danger to flee unto and be safe, no other to come to as the BREAD OF LIFE where hungry souls may be fed, no other place of REST for those that are weary and heavy laden, nor is there any other where is plenty of all grace and security from every enemy, as in HIM; and therefore, to whom can they have recourse, but unto HIM?”   -Gospel report by preacher John Gill (1697-1771 A.D.)

What is True Conversion?

“ True conversion means turning not only from sin but also from depending on self-made righteousness. This is the reason that self-righteous people are so angry with gospel preachers, because the gospel does not spare those who will not submit to the righteousness of Jesus Christ!” -Gospel report by preacher George Whitfield (1714–1770 A.D.)