Christ's people ~ WATCHFUL & BOLD
" The wicked flee when no man pursueth; but the righteous are bold as a lion." —Proverbs 28:1 [KJV] WATCHFUL and BOLD, is the Christian's motto. Watchful, to avoid sin; bold, to resist the enemies of his soul. For he is engaged in a righteous cause, animated by righteous hopes, made righteous by a righteous Lord; from Whom he derives all his strength and courage. "In Jehovah (Jesus) have I righteousness and strength." —Isaiah 45:24 . This is the glorying of his soul. Not his own inherent strength, nor his own personal righteousness, are the cause of his fortitude; but the arm of Jehovah is his shield, and the perfect righteousness of Jesus is his breast-plate of defence against every enemy. Being cleansed from guilt by the blood of Jesus, and clothed with His righteousness, by faith the soul experiences a holy boldness at a throne of grace—appeals against the fury of the enemy and oppressor—and finds supplies of strength in every time of need. This ...