
Showing posts from July 10, 2024

Stand Still My Soul, Salvation View...

" Fear ye not. Stand still and see the salvation of the L ORD ." - Exodus 14:13 [KJV] The people of God were now in a great strait, even at their wits end. Perish they must, to all human appearance. A wide ocean is before them. Inaccessible mountains surround them. An enraged monarch pursues them. Death in various shapes presents itself to them. Yet, for all this says Moses, “Fear not.” Peevish unbelief and carnal reason might suggest, what! not be afraid, when inevitable destruction must be our doom? Why will Moses talk to us after this mad, enthusiastic rate?  But in the view of apparent destruction, Moses tells them of a certain salvation, and commands them to stand still and behold it. We do not hear one word from Moses, to soothe their fears, or comfort their minds, from any considerations of what they were in themselves, what good works they had done, what terms and conditions they had performed to entitle them to the Lord’s favour, etc. No. But they were

The Wednesday Word ~ 10 July, 2024 A.D.

GOD IS SATISFIED, AND SO AM I. by D.G. Miles McKee There’s a wonderful verse in Romans 4:5 … “To him that worketh not but believes ( trusts ) on Him that justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.”   This amazing statement tells us that God acquits the ungodly , not the godly. But how can He do it, and yet remain righteous?  After all, He is, "… of purer eyes than to behold evil, and cannot look on iniquity" (Habakkuk 1:13).  Has God changed?  Impossible! (Malachi 3:6). But, as Romans 3:21-26 teaches us, God is just, and the justifier of him which believes in Jesus. This is an amazing truth!  Through the blood-shedding of our Lord Jesus Christ, God can now, in perfect consistency with Himself, justify the ungodly. And this blessing comes to those that “work not,” but believe.  Therefore, the way to be saved is neither by our good works, nor by becoming good and certainly not by deserving it.  If those ways were true, we would not have salvation by


Head's-Up friends ~ great cheer to follow... The only way that God could accept us and receive us and save us is for Him to have viewed all our sins to be on our Surety and dealt with by our Substitute bearing in His own body our sins on that tree, and now He doesn't see them anymore. Is that right? Is that too good to be true?   It scares people to death. I'm telling you, people who rest in their works and most especially these VILE FALSE RELIGIONISTS AND PREACHERS WHO PREACH SALVATION BY WORKS, it scares them to death for somebody to say that God does not see the sins of His people in them.  But I'm gonna tell you this: before a just God, He cannot see as that old hymn-writer said, He cannot see my sins in me and my sins in my Substitute at the same time. Impossibility. Paul says, "This is the Gospel, that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them."   Did you hear that? That word " impute