
Showing posts from May 10, 2024


"It is better to trust in the L ORD than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the L ORD than to put confidence in princes."  -Psalm 118:8-9 [KJV]  Note: verse 8 is the middle verse of the Holy Bible of God's Word, friends


Amazing love, how rich and free, That God would set His love on me; Forgive all my iniquity, And save my soul eternally. Amazing love, amazing grace, That Christ would come to take my place; To bear my sin and then to die, The law’s demands to satisfy.   Amazing love, how can it be, That Christ would die on Calvary? For by that death He ransomed me, From condemnation I am free. Amazing love, O wondrous thought, The Savior my salvation bought; He drank the cup of justice dry, To save my soul and justify.   Amazing love is still my theme, For in that bloody, crimson stream, My sin and guilt were washed away, When Jesus died my debt to pay. Amazing love will be our song, When all the ransomed, blood-bought throng, Are gathered at His throne above, We’ll sing of God’s amazing love.     TUNE TO  SWEET HOUR OF PRAYER     LM/DOUBLE WORDS BY JIM BYRD

Prayers Aloft Continually

" Praying always with all prayer." -Ephesians 6:18 [KJV] A person by way of banter, once said to me, “I will treat you with a play, if you will go with me to-night.” I thanked him, and told him, I would accompany him, if I could be sure it would bring more of the love of Christ into my heart. This, this is worth living for, using any means to promote, and going any where to procure. But, here is a weapon, which defends us against all temptations to go to such places, or do such things as are contrary to the peace of our souls, and which tend to damp the love of Christ in our hearts.  That soul, who keeps up sweet fellowship with God, at a throne of grace, is dead to sensual gratifications. The more prayer, the more spiritual life from Christ. The more spiritual life, the more prayer to Christ. Praying. This is the last weapon of our warfare: it will be used by soldiers at the last moment of life. God be merciful to me a sinner: Jesus save or I perish, are suita