
Showing posts from June 25, 2024


" Having food and raiment, let us be therewith content." -I Timothy 6:8 [KJV] Man wants but little: that little not long. But unbelief multiplies our wants, and magnifies our discontent. God rains down manna. The people are delighted with it; but are not content to trust God for the morrow’s supply. They gathered more than would serve for one day. What was the consequence? “It bred worms and stank” (Exodus 16:20.)  Here distrust and unbelief prevailed, and abundance begot discontent. O ye rich and great, is it not so with you? And thou, O my soul, thy pittance is more than St. Paul here requires. Art thou content? No riches, without Christ, and the riches of His grace, can bring content to the mind. But when Christ vouchsafes to fulfil that precious word, (Revelation 2:17,) “I will give to eat of the hidden manna,” then we shall have heart content, though we have no more coats than backs, and but just food enough to satisfy our hunger.  For faith supplies all