
Showing posts from September 30, 2024


"For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." - Hebrews 4:15, 16 [KJV] What heart can conceive or tongue recount the daily, hourly triumphs of the Lord Jesus Christ's all-conquering grace? We see scarcely a millionth part of what He, as a King on His throne, is daily doing; and yet we see enough to know that He ever lives at God's right hand, and lives to save and bless. What a crowd of needy petitioners every moment surrounds His throne! What urgent wants and woes to redress; what cutting griefs and sorrows to assuage; what broken hearts to bind up; what wounded consciences to heal; what countless prayers to hear; what earnest petitions to grant; what stubborn foes to subdue; what guilty fears to quell!  What clemency, what

The Night Cometh When No Man Can Work

"I must work the works of Him that sent Me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work." -John 9:4 [KJV] Pause, my soul, over this sweet scripture, and these sweet words of thy Lord! Look at Jesus, even thy Jesus, Who, in the service of Mediator, as God's servant, had work to do in His day, as thou hast in thine. And Oh! what a day was His! Every portion of it filled with good! Now, my soul, the night of this present day is come; and the night of the whole day of thy life upon earth will shortly follow; it may come this very night; for nearly as the month is ended, thy life may end before it: and though death come not this very night, it cannot be far off, and may be near indeed.  How then stands thy great account? Take down thy memorandums, as merchants do their ledger at certain seasons, to ascertain their stock; and review thine experience. Hath Jesus filled up every page? Hast thou the several items of His grace, and love, and bounty? Canst

From Christ Is Our Fruit Found

" I am like a green fir-tree: from me is thy fruit found." -Hosea 14:8 [KJV] Here is a sweet dialogue between the Lord and Ephraim, which signifies growing. The Lord had just before said, “I will be as dew upon My people.” See the effects of this grace, Ephraim says, “What have I to do any more with idols?” Now I find my Lord and His love in my heart, get hence ye cursed idols: my vile lusts and that vain idol, the work of my hands, my own righteousness. I abhor the former. I trample on the latter. I bemoan my folly in taking up with them so long. The Lord graciously answers, “I have heard him: ” his moans and complaints. “And observed him,” with complacency and delight returning to me.  O ever gracious, long-suffering, loving Friend of sinners! “I am like a green fir-tree.” Who says this? Commentators say, Christ. But I would rather humbly presume, than boldly assert, that they are the words of the believer. For thus the dialogue is kept up. Naturalists say