
Showing posts from March 1, 2021

Wonderful, LORD JESUS!

"And His name shall be called Wonderful." -Isaiah 4:6 [KJV] In the opening of the last month, the fragrancy of Jesus's name, as Emanuel , gave a sweet savour to my soul. May He, whose name is as ointment poured forth, give a new refreshment to my spiritual senses this morning, in this name also as Wonderful ; for surely every thing in Him, and concerning Him, of whom the prophet speaks, is eminently so. But who shall speak of Thy wonders, dearest Lord! the wonders of Thy Godhead, the wonders of Thy manhood, the wonders of both natures united and centered in one Person? - Who shall talk of the wonders of Thy work, the wonders of Thine offices, characters, relations; Thy miraculous birth, Thy wonderful death, resurrection, ascension? - Who shall follow Thee, Thou risen and exalted Saviour, at the right hand of power, and tell of the exercise of Thine everlasting priesthood? Who shall speak of the wonders of Thy sanctified. And mark both the preciousness of thy Jesus, and