
Showing posts from September 6, 2024


Why should the righteous fear, The pow’rs of earth or hell? Our Savior is the Lord of lords,   We safely in Him dwell.   Let nought disturb our rest,   In Christ we are secure;   When troubles like a mountain rise,   Through Him we shall endure.     Should sickness smite the flesh,   If all things should appear   To be against you, yet believe,   Trust God and do not fear.   For Christ our Savior reigns,   His providence is wise;   The Lord Who loves us without end,   Reigns over earth and skies.     May we not fearful be,   But in our Savior rest;   For in the LORD our Righteousness,   We are forever blessed.   All pow’r belongs to Him,   He rules with sovereign might;   He guards us in the light of day,   And through the darkest night.     Tune: “This is My Father’s World" SM/double Words by Jim Byrd

In Regards to Civil Magistrates

"The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. " -II Samuel 23:3 [KJV] The motto upon the escutcheon of the Earl of Lonsdale, is Magistratus indicat virum : the magistracy shows the man.  Office-holding is a test of character.  He who can resist the temptations to injustice, fraud, deceit, and self-aggrandizement generally, which beset one who either inherits office or obtains it by the popular suffrage, is unquestionably a person of deep convictions of truth, and of high moral principle.   For this reason, public life would not be sought by one who distrusts himself.  He who puts up the petition, “Lead me not into temptation,” would be thankful for the providence that should forever keep him in the quiet and independent walks of private life.   Should the will of God oblige him to assume the responsibility  of a judge, a magistrate, or a legislator, he would enter upon them, not becau


" Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself." -Luke 24:39 [KJV] One Amintos had performed some valiant acts, and lost part of his arm in the field of battle for his country’s good. His brother Aechylus was about to be condemned to die. Amintos came into court, spake not a word, but only lifted up the stump of his arm without a hand: as though he had said, See what I have lost in my country’s cause! His silent oratory prevailed, and saved his brother’s life.  What a much more affecting sight does our dear Lord now present to His disciples! He called upon them, He calls upon us to behold: they, by the eye of sense; we, by the eye of faith. Consider, the reasons for this;  (1st.) To compose and comfort their minds. They were terrified and affrighted. They took Him for a spirit. Christ is touched with a feeling of our infirmities. He sympathizes with us in all our troubles. One cause of them is misapprehension of the nature of Christ: we too often forget that