
Showing posts from February 9, 2025

Perfect and Eternal Salvation in Christ JESUS Alone

" Come now, and let us reason together, saith the L ORD : though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." -Isaiah 1:18 [KJV] Whenever our Lord denounces His judgments against hardened and impenitent sinners, we are sure to find a word of grace from His precious lips to our dear trembling souls. His loving heart knew that what He had been declaring against others, His people would take to themselves, reason their hearts into dejection and sorrow, and cast away their hopes and their comforts; therefore, as He frequently, in the days of His flesh, turned aside to His disciples and said, “Come now , ” —let not trouble arise in your hearts, let not terror and dread seize on your spirits one moment; so here, “Let us reason together . ”   Do not reason with flesh and blood—with your carnal notions, and your legal hearts; confer not with Satan, who is your enemy and accuser;—but reason with Me: I am ...

Precious LAMB of God!

"The Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them." -Revelation 7:17 [KJV] My soul thou hast not forgotten what thou wert so lately engaged in, a day or two since, at the call of God the Holy Ghost, to behold the Lamb of God. And art thou not still looking at Him, gazing upon Him, feasting thine eyes, thine heart, all thy affections, upon Him, and following Him, in the sweet contemplation, from His cross to His crown. Come then, my soul, harp again and again upon this blessed string; for sure it is most blessed. And remember, my soul, as thou lookest, thy Jesus is in the midst of the throne - that is, the very centre of it. "In Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily." For what is the Lamb of God, but God revealing Himself in Him, to thee, my soul, and all His people? And remember also, that the throne, in the midst of which thy Jesus is, in scripture, is called "the throne of God and the Lamb , " on purpose to shew the...


"Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth for I am God, and there is none else." -Isaiah 45:22 [KJV] How often we seem not to have any real religion, or enjoy any solid comfort! How often are our evidences obscured and beclouded, and our minds covered with deep darkness! How often does the Lord hide Himself, so that we cannot behold Him, nor get near to Him; and how often the ground on which we thought we stood is cut from under our feet, and we have no firm standing! What a painful path is this to walk in, but how profitable!  When we are reduced to poverty and beggary, we learn to value Christ's glorious riches; the worse opinion we have of our own heart, and the more deceitful and desperately wicked that we find it, the more we put our trust in His faithfulness; and the more black we are in our own esteem, the more beautiful and comely does He appear in our eyes. As we sink, Jesus rises; as we become feeble, He puts forth His strength; as ...