
Showing posts from May 18, 2022

The Wednesday Word [18 May, 2022 A.D.]

Christ our Slaughtered Lamb by D.G. Miles McKee We thank God for the incarnation, but it was not enough for Christ to be born; He also had to die (Hebrews 9:22).  We are not saved merely because God loves us.  Yes, He does love us, but we are saved by love, mercy, grace, righteousness and justice working in concert with each other.  There are some, however, who teach that Christ has only come to this earth to reveal the love of God. This is a sad error!  “Love is the great issue when it comes to salvation,” they say … but they don’t say enough.  They don’t give us the full story.   While love is a moving force in salvation, they fail to mention that Christ has come as the great Substitute who satisfies the justice of God!  They omit to say that He is the Substitute who perfectly fulfills the righteous demands of God on our behalf.  They neglect to tell us that at the heart of the gospel is the truth of substitution.   If Christ is not the Substitute, He is useless to us, regardless of