
Showing posts from March 5, 2020

Hallelujah - God's Righteousness Revealed!

The gospel of Christ reveals the righteousness of God [ROMANS 3:25-26 ] . If we would seek salvation or life with God, His righteousness must first be found; for God is holy, just, and righteous; and in order to be loved by God, accepted by God, and justified before God, we must become righteous not by our righteousness which are filthy rags [ISAIAH 64:6 ] but by His righteousness [MATTHEW 5:20; R OMANS 10:14 ] . We cannot obtain salvation anywhere but through the gospel of Christ, for therein is the righteousness of God revealed [ROMANS 5:19; II C ORINTHIANS 5:21 ] . This righteousness is not known or understood by the light of nature but must be revealed [ I C ORINTHIANS 2:9-10 ] , "Revealed from faith to faith." Righteousness is secured by Christ and received by faith. "From faith to faith" means from one degree of faith to another. Faith like any other grace grows . As we grow in faith, we have a clearer view of Gods righteous


“ Although I am a sinner, yet I despair not, for Christ Who is my Redeemer and my Righteousness liveth. In Him I have no sin, no fear, no sting of conscience, and no fear of judgment; for in Him there is no condemnation. I am indeed a sinner as touching this present life, but I have a righteousness of God which is above this life, Who is Christ my Lord ­ IN HIM I REJOICE!”   - Gospel report by preacher Martin Luther (1483-1546 A.D.)

Greatly Rejoice in Christ Jesus Alone!

"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." -R EVELATION 2:29 [KJV] These words extend the message beyond the church to which they were spoken, and address themselves to every one to whom the word comes, and to whom an ear is given to hear and receive it. Thus each message sent to the churches becomes a message sent personally to us. If we have a spiritually circumcised ear, if we are willing to listen to the voice of the Lord, He speaks to us in every message as personally and as distinctly as He spoke to each individual church. It is indeed an unspeakable blessing to have this ear given to us that we may receive in humility, simplicity, and godly sincerity what the Lord speaks in the word of His grace.  It is by His word that He knocks at the door of our hearts; and what a blessing He has pronounced on the man who hears His voice and opens the door when he hears the knock, like a fond and affectionate wife when she hears the