
Showing posts from December 28, 2020

Payment God Cannot Twice Demand ~ Rejoice in Christ JESUS!

From whence this fear and unbelief? Hath not the Father put to grief His spotless Son for me? And will the righteous Judge of men Condemn me for that debt of sin Which, Lord, was charged on Thee? Complete atonement Thou hast made, And to the utmost farthing paid Whate’er Thy people owed; How then can wrath on me take place If sheltered in Thy righteousness, And sprinkled with Thy blood? If Thou hast my discharge procured, And freely in my room endured The whole of wrath divine, Payment God cannot twice demand First at my bleeding Surety’s hand, And then again at mine. Turn then, my soul, unto thy rest! The merits of thy great High Priest Have bought thy liberty; Trust in His efficacious blood, Nor fear thy banishment from God, Since Jesus died for thee! -preacher Augustus Toplady (1740-1778 A.D.)

Hold us up, O LORD!

     "For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on H im, but also to suffer for H is sake." -Philippians 1:29 [KJV] After the Lord, by His special work on the conscience, has called us to repentance and confession of sin, as well as to faith in Jesus; after He has called us to godly sorrow; to live according to the precepts of the gospel; and to walk in the ordinances of His Church; He then calls us to suffer for and with Christ. But we cannot "suffer according to the will of God," that is, in a gospel sense and from gospel motives, till the Lord enables us in some measure to look to Him. The same Spirit, who calls the believer to walk in a path of suffering, strengthens and enables him to do so.   To suffer aright, we must walk in the steps of the great Captain of our salvation, who "though a Son, yet learned obedience by the things which H e suffered." The Father in this sense spared not His only-begotten Son, but led Hi