
Showing posts from October 30, 2023


" Go, tell His disciples and Peter, that He goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see Him." —Mark 16:7 [KJV] How different is the Gospel from the law; one is the voice of condemnation, terror, and wrath; the other speaks nothing but grace, peace, and love. God's children only murmured for water in the wilderness, and even the meek Moses is in wrath with them, and calls them REBELS. Here, though the poor disciples had acted most base and ungrateful to their loving Saviour; for they added sorrow to His distress, when they all forsook Him and fled, and Peter above all the rest; for as though Jesus was the most abandoned wretch, Peter with oaths and curses denied that he even knew Him.  What could they expect, but that the first message from their Lord should be full of upbraiding? Was it, Go tell those apostate REBELS I am risen from the dead, they shall receive their just deserts; vengeance is Mine, I will repay them? No: be astonished, O heavens! Hear,