Though Weak in Thyself, Be Strong in The LORD

"I said in my haste, All men are liars." -Psalm 116:11 [KJV]

We are prone to be too hasty in our censures of others, while the greatest fault lies at our own door. David here brands all men, with being liars, when he himself was the greatest liar of all, if we take the words in this sense. Here, he even charges Samuel the prophet of the Lord with a lie. For he had anointed him to be king, and assured him of the kingdom. But he spoke in haste, without due thought and deliberation— unadvisedly, under temptation, when he was off his guard, and fled from the rage of Saul. 

Though some think, David rather uttered the bold language of confident faith. I said in my flight, that notwithstanding all the fury of Saul, and all the suggestions of my enemies to the contrary, “Let God be true, and every man a liar” (Romans 3:4.) The Lord will surely preserve me. I shall certainly be king. David was the subject, both of faith and unbelief: of a hasty spirit, which exalteth folly, as well as of a meek spirit, which in the eyes of the Lord is of great price. Times of temptation, sometimes draw from the lips, hasty speeches, which wound the heart, and cause it to mourn. 

O believer, though thou hast cause to be ashamed of thy unbelief and hasty folly, yet be not ashamed to confess it. To commit a fault, and strive to extenuate it, proceeds from pride and unbelief. Settle it well in thine heart, what thy present state is. Consider daily the number and force of thine enemies. Their name is legion, for they are many. Never forget the total sinfulness of thy own nature. All this will make thee humble, and watchful over thyself. Know and remember also, the love and faithfulness of thy God and Saviour. He who has redeemed thee to God, by His own blood, will save thee from thy sinful self, and from the power of all thine enemies. 

Say of all who dare contradict this, they are liars. Though weak in thyself, be strong in thy Lord. Though sinful in thyself, rejoice that thou art righteous in Him. Let the faith of this inspire thy heart with boldness before the throne of God. There go constantly, as a poor, helpless, needy sinner, viewing thyself perfectly righteous in Christ, and perfectly accepted of God in His beloved Son. 

Give God the glory of His truth. Pronounce all liars who dare oppose it. Give no credit to the suggestions of thy own mind, contrary to the full and free declarations of thy Lord’s love and grace. Remember the convictions of sin by the Spirit of truth, are to bring thee comfort from Christ. The accusations for sin by the lying spirit, are to distress thy heart and drive thee from Christ, Who is the truth. -John 14:6


Forgive my Lord each hasty word, 

Against Thy truth and grace, 

I foolish am, and self-abhorr’d, 

O shew Thy smiling face.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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