
Showing posts from November 2, 2019


“ And being found in fashion as a Man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” -PHILIPPIANS 2:8 [KJV] The law of God required one thing, exact obedience to its precepts, a standard that has not been lowered through the passing of time. God can never be satisfied with anything less than perfection. Moreover, the penalty for transgressing His law – death – has not changed either. When Christ came in the stead of His chosen people, He lived in perfect conformity to the law’s requirements. “ But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law to redeem them that were under the law” [GALATIANS 4:4-5] . When circumcised the eighth day, Christ obligated Himself to keep the entire law. “For I testify again to ever man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law” [GALATIANS 5:3] . As the perfect Man, He loved God with all His heart, mind, soul and strength and l


True humility is to have a right estimate of one’s self. It is not to deny or underestimate true ability, real knowledge, and obvious gifts. A gifted singer knows he can sing. An intelligent person is aware of his knowledge. A successful businessman knows his business. An artist knows his skills. It is not humility to speak what one does not truly feel. True humility is born when one discovers the SOURCE of all gifts, talents, and knowledge. “WHO maketh thee to differ? ” [I CORINTHIANS 4:7] . It is certain that we are different and some have what others do not have in different areas. But it is the Lord God, in His sovereign will, who has given us all that which we have. Without Him we can do nothing. “A man can receive nothing, except it be GIVEN him from above ” [JOHN 3:27] . The higher a man grows in the grace of God, the lower he will be in his own eyes. A man who has been introduced to what really happened in the garden of Eden and what really happened on the cross of

The LORD God of Elijah

When the Lord God took Elijah up into heaven, Elisha took up the mantle of Elijah, smote the waters, and cried, "Where is the LORD God of Elijah?" [II KINGS 2:14 ] . Where is He? He is in the heavens; He is in Christ Jesus; He is in His Word; He is on the throne of grace; He is in the midst of those who believe and worship Him; He is in every act of providence; He is in every breeze, every cloud, every moment, every heartache, every tear, every joy; He is in all who believe, for "Lo, I am with you always." - Gospel report by preacher Henry Mahan