
Showing posts from May 19, 2024


"... Building up yourselves on your most holy faith." -Jude 20 [KJV] Instead of going on comfortably in this work, many are questioning, I do not know whether I have obtained a most holy faith or not. Bring this to a point to-night. Has the ruinous fabric of nature’s self-confidence, self-righteousness, self-complacency, and self-pleasing ever been pulled down? Has the Spirit convinced you of sin? Do you see yourself a lost, ruined sinner: so lost and so ruined by sin, that no one but the Son of God can restore and save you? Do you believe that He came to save sinners? Is it the desire of your heart, to be saved from ALL sin by Him?  If so, you as surely possess a holy faith as you enjoy natural life. And you will get stronger evidence, and greater assurance of it, by using every blessed means to prove that you have this most holy faith, while you build up yourself on it.  (1st.) This will appear to be a holy faith, by leading out your soul after a holy Saviour,