
Showing posts from November 21, 2019


"But we trusted that it had been H e which should have redeemed Israel." -L UKE 24:21 [KJV] What a trial to their faith must the death of Jesus have been to His disciples and believing followers! When their Lord and Master died, their hopes, for the time at least, seem almost to have died with Him. And indeed to the eye of sense, truth, holiness, innocence, all fell crushed by the arm of violence as Jesus hung on the cross. To the spectator there, all His miracles of love and mercy, His words of grace and truth, His holy, spotless life, His claims to be the Son of God, the promised Messiah, the Redeemer of Israel, with every promise and every prophecy concerning Him were all extinguished when, amidst the triumph of His foes, in pain, shame, and ignominy, He yielded up His breath. We now see that, by H is blood-shedding and death, the blessed Lord wrought out redemption, finished the work which the Father gave H im to do, put away sin by the sacrifice of H i