
Showing posts from April 7, 2023

Only One Sacrifice to Deliver Us from Sin

Behold the Lamb by D.G. Miles McKee     John1:36… “Behold the Lamb.” One day as the prophet John the Baptist walked by the banks of the river Jordan, he stopped, pointed to the Lord Jesus and boldly declared Him to be the Lamb of God.    What was in John's mind that day when he avowed Jesus to be the Lamb? Perhaps, He was thinking of the Passover.  Remember the story of the Passover?  It’s the history of how the blood of slain lambs protected the Israelites on the night they left Egypt (Exodus 12:13).   On that night the Angel of Death visited the streets of Egypt and slew all the firstborn of the nation.  The Israelites, however, had, under instructions from God, smeared their doorposts with the blood of lambs, and the death angel, on seeing the blood, passed over their houses.  Yes indeed, lamb’s blood delivered them from death.  The lambs on the Passover night pointed towards the Lord Jesus the One whose shed blood would save and deliver people from every race. 


" Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation." —Isaiah 12:3 [KJV] Why, therefore? What had the church done to procure such an inestimable promise? O the joyful day of her public espousal to Jesus is come. THAT DAY, that blessed day of power, when the loving bride claims her beloved Bridegroom, Jesus. Therefore she sings this joyful song, "Behold God is my salvation: I will trust, and not be afraid, for the L ORD Jehovah is my strength and my song; He also is become my salvation." The claims of the faith of poor sinners are well pleasing in the sight of God; they honor His word, glorify Him, and cause joy in heaven among the angels; while the humble claimants obtain the consolation and joy thereof. "Them that honor Me I will honor, saith the Lord," "therefore with joy shall they draw," etc. This was not to be a transient fit of comfort, but an inexhaustible fountain of joy. Believers are to come daily and