
Showing posts from December 6, 2019


"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." -J OHN 10:27 [KJV] The Lord Jesus Christ has an eternally possessed people (sheep) given to Him in electing grace. He lovingly knows these objects of mercy and speaks to them in the Gospel. They actually hear His voice with a spiritual ear [PROVERBS 20:12 ] and obediently follow where He leads. Now to the world, this sounds unbelievable, but the believer believes the Shepherd, longs to hear His voice, and cries from the heart, "Speak Lord, for Thy servant heareth." - Gospel report by preacher Marvin Stalnaker Katy Baptist church of Fairmont, West Virginia USA Please find enclosed link to encouraging Audio Gospel Sermons:


"He that overcometh shall inherit all things." -R EVELATION 21:7 [KJV]   "He shall inherit all things." When? In eternity? Yes. But only in eternity? O no! In time also. There is a twofold inheritance, though one and the same; one in time, another in eternity; one the firstfruits, the other the harvest; one the earnest, the other the full sum. There is an inheriting here below, and an inheriting above; and he that never receives any portion of his inheritance below will never receive an inheritance above. Now, just in proportion as we overcome, are we put in possession of this inheritance. What are we to inherit? Riches, glory, honour, power, praise? These are worldly things; let the world enjoy them. In inheriting "all things , " we are to inherit the things of God; the favour of God, the love of God, the mercy of God, the glory of God; all that a covenant God gives in giving H imself; peace here, glory hereafter; pardon below, salvat