
Showing posts from October 21, 2023


" Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you." —James 4:8 [KJV] How sweetly is the children's duty and the Father's promise joined together! The latter is a most powerful encouragement to the former; though we were "sometimes afar off, yet being made nigh by the blood of Jesus , " we are exhorted to DRAW nigh to God in prayer, in full assurance of faith, firmly believing that "faithful is He who hath promised , " He will draw nigh to us to bless us. To live near God is our heaven below; to experience a distance from Him is our misery; we cannot draw nigh to God but in the way He has drawn nigh to us, that is in Christ, in the humanity of Jesus His Son; in all our approaches to God, consider this, Jesus is the object of our faith, and GOD IN HIM; all other objects drawn nigh to, will leave the soul in a painful sense of distance from the true God and real comfort.  Happy, only happy canst thou be, while thou art daily living in c...