Lord Jesus Christ - Chief Corner Stone
“ In W hom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord” -E PHESIANS 2:21 [KJV] The body of Christ is at present scattered, and, if I may so speak, fragmentary. Of the members of H is mystical body some are now before the throne, “spirits of just men made perfect.” Others are still in the wilderness; others are yet in the world, dead in trespasses and sins, uncalled by grace, destitute of the Spirit; others at present are unborn, still hidden in the womb of time. But earth is the stage whereon all the members are from time to time brought into a vital, manifestive union with their L iving H ead. When I was a boy at school, in London, Waterloo Bridge was building; and I and my playmates used to go sometimes to what was then called “The Stone Field,” on the other side of the water, where the stones that now make up Waterloo Bridge were being squared and chiseled. Every vestige of that field, I have no doubt, is gone, and the place covered...