
Showing posts from May 15, 2019

Lord Jesus Christ - Chief Corner Stone

“ In W hom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord” -E PHESIANS 2:21 [KJV] The body of Christ is at present scattered, and, if I may so speak, fragmentary. Of the members of H is mystical body some are now before the throne, “spirits of just men made perfect.” Others are still in the wilderness; others are yet in the world, dead in trespasses and sins, uncalled by grace, destitute of the Spirit; others at present are unborn, still hidden in the womb of time. But earth is the stage whereon all the members are from time to time brought into a vital, manifestive union with their L iving H ead. When I was a boy at school, in London, Waterloo Bridge was building; and I and my playmates used to go sometimes to what was then called “The Stone Field,” on the other side of the water, where the stones that now make up Waterloo Bridge were being squared and chiseled. Every vestige of that field, I have no doubt, is gone, and the place covered...

Unashamed - Jesus Christ is Lord!

How can we be ashamed of Him who has saved us with an eternal salvation? Of Him who has called us by His Holy Spirit into His righteousness and to a participation of all His grace? Of Him who redeemed us and made us His own, not according to our works (at any time, either before or after our calling) but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given to us in Christ before the foundation of the world? The Lord God chose us in Christ, gave His beloved Son to redeem us, would not leave us in sin but called us to Himself and accepted us in the Beloved. To be ashamed of Him, His Word, His kingdom, His blood, His people, or His grace would be unthinkable! -Gospel report by preacher Henry Mahan Audio Gospel Sermons here:

The Old Paths - The Good Way

The Old Gospel, while stressing that faith is man's duty, stresses also that faith is not in man's power... God must give what He commands us to do. The Old Gospel speaks very differently in expounding man's need of Christ; the Old Gospel stresses something almost ignored today. That something is that sinners cannot obey the Gospel any more than they can obey the law, apart from the renewal of their sinful, depraved heart . Thus the Old Gospel doesn't talk about “deciding for Christ”, as we hear today. For this business of deciding for Christ suggests voting a person into office. I wish people would believe me when I tell you that we do not vote God's Son into office as our Savior! Now, our Lord Jesus Christ is not passively waiting, but is actively working to bring His chosen people to faith. The preaching of this “new gospel” is called bringing men to Christ, as if only men moved while Christ stands still. But the true Gospel is the coming ...


“ And He led them forth by the right way.” - PSALM 107:7a [KJV] Not only is Christ THE Way, but here He is known as the “right way.” Everything and in every situation, Christ has led us forth by the right/correct/straight way. Nothing He has ever done for us and towards us can be in the least degree said to be wrong! Dark skies, cloudy days, harsh seasons of soul...everything our blessed and loving Lord does is always and eternally right. Never let us forget this, my weary and tried friend. Come what may, He is doing this for our best interest and for His ultimate glory; and as His children, this is what we desire most, is it not? Tell me a thousand woes within the believers’ life and at every turn and at every junction it MUST be said: A nd He led us forth by the right way ! -Gospel report by preacher Drew Dietz