
Showing posts from September 25, 2024

The Wednesday Word ~ 25 September, 2024 A.D.

Only God Can Forgive Sins by D. G. Miles McKee   “ Who can forgive sins, but God alone? ”   - Luke 5:21 [KJV] One of the remarkable things about Jesus is that He was always going around forgiving sins. However, to forgive sins is exclusively the divine prerogative and Jesus, if He is not God, has no business meddling in such affairs. If he’s not God, he’s a fraud! C.S. Lewis says of Christ’s forgiving sins, “This is so preposterous as to be comic. We can all understand how a man forgives offences against himself. You tread on my toe and I forgive you---but what should we make of a man, himself un-trodden on, who announces that he forgave you for treading on other men’s toes? Asinine fatuity is the kindest description we should give this conduct.” -C.S. Lewis: Mere Christianity Indeed, Jesus was asinine ( silly and stupid ) if He was, in fact, not God. What is more, that is what you are calling Him if you do not believe He is God?  You say He has forgiven your sins, but th


" Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord." -John 20:20 [KJV]   “Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun” (Ecclesiastes 11:7.) But, O how much more sweet and pleasant, to see the light, and behold the glory of the Sun of Righteousness! This inspires the heart with gladness. These disciples had lost their dear Lord, and mourned in darkness for His absence. Tongue cannot tell their inexpressible joy, at seeing Him again. Their sight was by the eye of sense: ours is by the eye of faith. Yet our sight is not less real than theirs: and it brings the same gladness to our hearts also. Therefore it is highly prized by us. For we can neither live comfortably, walk holily, nor die happily, without seeing the Lord Christ.  For, (1st.) A sight of Christ by faith, brings peace to the conscience. There is ever a war within, between the flesh and the spirit: grace and nature: the old man and the new. The motion of sin

Look For All Your Strength in CHRIST Alone

" For when I am weak, then am I strong." -II Corinthians 12:10 [KJV] We have read of St. Paul’s revelations, exaltings, buffetings, and his praying: now of his humbling sight of himself. He is brought down to his right place, low in self; and to his right feelings, weak in self. Hence we see the true nature and blessed end of Christian experience. It keeps the soul from being puft up with pride, lest it fall into the condemnation of the devil. It sinks it low in humility: under a sense of weakness; and it leads out of self, to look for all its strength in Christ. Here the strength of faith is opposed to the weakness of sense. When I am sensibly weak, then I am believingly strong. This, though a difficult lesson, yet is a precious one.  (1st.) Do we see ourselves weak? Christ is held forth to us as our strength, and He calls upon us to be strong in Him. “Trust in the Lord for ever, for in the LORD Jehovah is everlasting strength” (Isaiah 26:4.) But surely, foll