
Showing posts from March 4, 2019

Jesus Christ the Righteous!

"HE WAS MANIFESTED TO TAKE AWAY OUR SINS; AND IN HIM IS NO SIN"     -I John 3:5 [KJV] Though He was made to be sin for us, when He bore our sins in His own body on the tree, OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST HAD NO SIN OF HIS OWN. He had no original sin, because He was not represented by Adam in the garden of Eden. He had no Adamic sin nature, because He was not descended from Adam. He is the Seed of the woman. His human body and soul were created by the Holy Spirit in the virgin's womb. And He had no actual sin. He never thought, felt, said, or did a sinful thing. "He knew no sin, neither was guile found in H is mouth." Our Savior "was holy, harmless, undefiled and separate from sinners." In order for Him to be a suitable sacrifice for sin, it was necessary that our Substitute be without sin, innocent, righteous and holy. Our Redeemer had to be God. Otherwise He could not satisfy the law and justice of God. He had to be a man. Otherwise He c...

The Righteousness of God

“For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.” -Romans 10:3 [KJV] It is not for ignorance, as such, that the Jews were condemned. If that were so, a simple theology lesson would have brought them salvation. Rather, it was what their ignorance led them to do that sealed their doom: they would not submit to the righteousness of God revealed in Jesus Christ. It is certain that if a man is ignorant of the righteousness of God, he cannot and will not submit to it. But it is also true that a man may be fully aware of the righteousness of God as revealed in the Gospel doctrine yet not submit to it. So subtle is Satan and so deceptive the human heart that one may actually think that his acknowledgment of the righteousness of God is his righteousness: h e may think that, because he believes the doctrine, and even publicly defends it, God accepts him. ...

All Glory To Christ JESUS - "The LORD our righteousness"

“ That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord .” - I Corinthians 1:31 [KJV] What do believers glory in when they glory in the Lord? They glory in His holiness (Ex odus 24:15-17) . They glory in His grace (Lev iticus 9:22-23) . And they glory in His mercy ( II Chron icles 7:1-3) . What is the greatest display of the glory of the Lord’s holiness, grace, and mercy that the world has ever seen, and could ever know? The Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary! Holiness demanded a sacrifice for sin. Grace provided one, and Mercy poured the Blood of that sacrifice all over the sinners that God chose to save! “God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Gal atians 6:14) . -Gospel report by preacher Gabe Stalnaker