
Showing posts from January 11, 2023

The Called Out One's - As God Has Appointed!

"Preserved in Jesus Christ, and called." -Jude 1 [KJV] What a mercy it is for God’s people that before they have a vital union with Christ, before they are grafted into Him experimentally, they have an eternal, immanent union with Him before all worlds. It is this eternal union that brings them into time existence. It is by virtue of this eternal union that they come into the world at such a time, at such a place, from such parents, under such circumstances, as God has appointed . It is by virtue of this eternal union that the circumstances of their time-state are ordained. By virtue of this eternal union they are preserved in Christ before they are called; they cannot die till God has brought about a vital union with Christ. Whatever sickness they may pass through, whatever injuries they may be exposed to, whatever perils assault them on sea or land, fall they will not, fall they cannot, till God’s purposes are executed in bringing them into a vital union with the Son of Hi