
Showing posts from December 5, 2024

Thought for the Day: 05 December, 2024 A.D.

" The following is a general definition of the sovereign first cause, as far as human words dare attempt. The eternal God is independent and self-existent. His purpose and actions originate within Himself without external influence. The absolutely Holy One is the Creator, Sustainer, and Controller of all His creation for His own glory.  Therefore, God is indescribable in His Essence, inconceivable in His mode of existence, and illimitable in His infinity. He is fully known only to Himself because the infinite One can be comprehended only by an infinite mind. Furthermore, this infinitely Holy God can do nothing that is not eternally just ( Isaiah 45:5-7, 9 )." -W. E. Best


" Put Me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified." -Isaiah 43:26 [KJV] The Lord had just laid open the rich love of His gracious heart to poor sinners, in fully blotting out their transgressions and in not remembering their sins. To keep down their pride and exalt the riches of His mercy, He tells them plainly, I do all this, for My own sake. But He knows what is in man. He sees the abominable pride of our hearts, and how many would reject His free declaration, and not accept of free-grace mercy, by free-gift of love, without money and without price. Such will have some hand in procuring pardon and justification, by fulfilling terms, and performing conditions. These words may be considered,  (1st.) as a reflection upon such persons, and a derision upon their notions. Says the Lord, Put Me in remembrance . What spiritual act could you do, when dead in trespasses and in sins, in order to obtain life? What good works sprang...

The Mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven unto Saved Sinners

"What will ye see in the Shulamite? As it were the company of two armies." - Song of Solomon 6:13 [KJV] Are you not often a mystery to yourself? Warm one moment, cold the next; abasing yourself one half-hour, exalting yourself the following; loving the world, full of it, steeped up to your lips in it to-day; crying, groaning, and sighing for a sweet manifestation of the love of God tomorrow; brought down to nothingness, covered with shame and confusion, on your knees before you leave your room; filled with pride and self-importance before you have got down stairs; despising the world, and willing to give it all up for one taste of the love of Jesus when in solitude; trying to grasp it with both hands when in business. What a mystery are you! Touched by love, and stung with enmity; possessing a little wisdom, and a great deal of folly; earthly-minded, and yet having the affections in heaven; pressing forward, and lagging behind; full of sloth, and yet taking the ...

The Most Blessed Discoveries JESUS makes of Himself...

"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." -Psalm 30:5 [KJV] It is most profitable, yea, blessed, to have right conceptions of the Lord's dealings with His people. Jesus is everlastingly pursuing one plan of love; and never, in a single instance, departs from it. But as we see only part of His ways, until the result come, exercises by the way much perplex our poor short-sighted view of things. Jesus, for the most part, brings His people into the wilderness, in order to speak comfortably to them there. But while in the wilderness, we are at a loss to trace the footsteps of His love. And when, after some sweet love-tokens of His favour, new trials arise, though Jesus, it should seem, designed by the mercy to prepare for trouble, yet, by our false interpretation of it, we aggravate the trouble, and make it greater. My soul, do learn from the precious thoughts suggested by the scripture of the evening, to form a right estimate of the Lord...