
Showing posts from August 8, 2024


"..a re changed." -II Corinthians 3:18 [KJV] What a blessed and glorious change has passed upon our souls! Lord help us to consider it this night to Thy glory, and our comfort, how, by whom, and why are we changed.  (1st.) How are we changed? From sinful into sinless creatures? No. Some speak of this change, as if it were a total change of our corrupt nature. Hence, many dear children of God, finding and feeling all the ruins of their fallen nature from day to day, are surely distressed, and conclude that no spiritual change has passed upon their souls. But this change is purely spiritual. It passeth upon the spirit of our minds. These were enmity against God. Now they love God, and delight in the law of God.  Our souls, once dead in sin, are now alive to God. We are translated from darkness into light. We see with open face, in the glass of the gospel, the glory of Jesus, in all His offices and precious salvation. Hence our minds are changed into His image. We

Thought for the Day ~ 08 August, 2024 A.D.

For those who have an interest in Him, and are made partakers thereof, although sin may grieve them, trouble and perplex them, and, by its deceit and violence, cause them to contract much guilt in their surprisals , yet they need not despond or be utterly cast down; there is a stable ground of consolation provided for them, in that “there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.” -preacher John Owen