
Showing posts from May 20, 2020


"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." -A CTS 4:12 [KJV] This was Peter's answer to those religious Jews who questioned him about the gospel message he preached in the temple.  He met these Pharisees at their point of rebellion. He plainly and boldly declared that there is salvation for sinners but only in the Lord Jesus Christ. Consider what the scriptures teach us about salvation in, by and through the Lord Jesus Christ: There is no other SAVIOUR but Jesus Christ to look to for salvation [ISAIAH 45:21-22; M ATTHEW 11:25-28; J OHN 14:6 ] . There is no other SACRIFICE but Jesus Christ to cleanse and redeem us from all sin [HEBREWS 9:26; I PETER 1:18-20; I JOHN 1:7 ] . There is no other SUBSTITUTE but Jesus Christ to redeem and justify us from the curse of the Law [GALATIANS 3:13; II CORINTHIANS 5:21 ] . There is no other SERVANT but Jesus Christ to honor and...

God's Great Mercy!

"Thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea." -M ICAH 7:19 [KJV] When God takes all our iniquities with His own hand, and casts them with His own arm into the depths of the sea, they will never come out of those depths to witness against the family of God in the great and terrible day. Your sins now may seem to be all alive in your breast, and every one of them to bring accusation upon accusation against you. This sin is crying out for vengeance, and that for punishment. This slip, this fall, this backsliding, this foolish word, this wrong action, are all testifying against you in the court of conscience. Do what you may, be where you may, live how you may, watch and pray how you may, keep silent and separate from the world or even from your own family how you may, sin still moves, lives, acts, works, and often brings you into guilt and bondage.   But if God has had mercy upon us He has cast all our sins with His own hands into the de...

This "New" Doctrine?

When the apostle Paul was at Athens (see Acts 17), he was told that the gospel he preached was a new doctrine. How wrong his critics were! Evidently, they did not know that in the ancient Hebrew writings, CHRIST JESUS is the great theme. No sooner had sin entered mankind than the Lord God prophesied about the coming one (Christ) who would bruise the serpent's head (Genesis 3:15). From that point on, the tone was set. There was a deliverer coming. Consider how the following point, in types and figures, to this One who was to come. Here are but a few examples. Abel's Lamb : It was accepted as a substitute for Abel. It had done no wrong but was slaughtered for Abel’s sin. Likewise, Christ, the innocent one was slaughtered for us. Noah's Ark : All the people in Noah’s Arc were safe.  Likewise, all in Christ will be saved. Isaac was bound to the altar by his Father. Christ was bound to the cross, by His Father (see Isaiah 53:4–5, 10). Joseph was rejected and ...