
Showing posts from June 9, 2024


"...a nd hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father." -Revelation 1:6 [KJV] Christ has done a great work for us. But does He only call us to believe it, and then leave us just as we were, under the dominion of sin, Satan, and the world? No. He not only washes us from our sins, which He hates, in His blood, but He also dignifies our person, which He loves, by His power. Hail Jesus, lavish of strange gifts to man! Thine all the glory; man’s the boundless bliss. O miracle of grace! Christ hath made us kings and priests.  (1st.) Kings to rule over sin, the world, death, and hell. Sin brought death into the world. Death reigned over all that sinned. “But they who receive abundance of grace, and the gift of righteousness, shall reign in life, by one Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:17.) O believer, do not you too often forget your real dignity? Then you do not honour your King of kings. Consider, you are made a king to reign in life. A spiritual life, over all th