
Showing posts from April 23, 2023


"Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh." — I Timothy 3:1 [KJV] The truths of the gospel are undoubtedly great mysteries to carnal reason. We have naturally no ideas of their existence; but being plainly revealed by the Spirit of truth, they cease to be hid from our knowledge. They are no longer secret mysteries, as to their matter, but plain and open truths to faith. True, the MANNER of their existence is incomprehensible to reason. So they will ever remain mysteries to us. Therefore the sons of natural pride and human ignorance reject and disbelieve them: but the children of wisdom and humility esteem the whole mystery of godliness, every bible-truth, as precious objects of their faith. Blessed be God, our comfort and salvation consists in believing , not in explaining. The Christian, like the prophet, being born of the Spirit, is a "man of strife and contention with the whole earth." — Jeremiah 15:...