
Showing posts from September 18, 2024

Why Me, Lord?

"By the grace of God, I am what I am!" Oh, what was I, that God should set His love upon me before time; and in time to call me to the saving knowledge of His Son, Whom to know aright is life eternal? Why me, Lord?   And what am I even now, since I have felt something of the power of His precious Gospel? Why me, Lord? What was I, what am I that I should be eternally chosen and effectually called and perfectly accepted in the Beloved? Not unto me, in the least, not unto me, but unto Your sovereign grace be all the praise!  Oh, help me to ascribe to You the glory due to Your great name; for I am surrounded, I am loaded with Your benefits. All Your dealings with me show forth Your loving-kindness. In temporals, as well as spirituals, I am singularly favored. Oh, let me never be allowed to rob You of Your glory, but help me to give it all where it is due, in life and death and to all eternity to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. "By the grace of God, I am w

Rejoicing in God's Love

" We walk by faith, not by sight." -II Corinthians 5:7 [KJV] Thus we quit sense for faith. So we overcome the lust of the eyes. To gratify these, is contrary to the walk of faith. Then is it any marvel, that we lose the peace, comfort, and joy of faith? But this is not what is here meant by sight, as opposed to faith. Here is an infallible truth. Though a Christian, by the eye of sense, can neither see God, Christ, the things of the heavenly world, etc. yet he walks in the firm belief of what the word of God tells him of them: and hence, they have the supreme affection of the soul, from day to day.  Faith supplies the sight of them. They are as real to the mind, as though seen by the bodily eye. Thus, a lively hope of enjoying them, is kept up in the heart. “We are always confident,” we are sure of the existence of spiritual, heavenly, and invisible objects, as we are of our own being. O ye sons of carnal sight and sense! ye deride us: we pity you. Ye look only

The Wednesday Word ~ 18 September, 2024 A.D.

The Loveliness of Jesus by D.G. Miles McKee See II Corinthians 5:21 Christ’s loveliness consists mainly in this …  He knew no sin! If He had had just one tiny sin of His own, He could not have suffered for ours. Remember, in Hebrews 7:26 we are told that our High Priest ( Jesus ) was holy, harmless, undefiled and separate from sinners. We would think that such a person should be welcome in any community. But no! He got terrible treatment. The people despised, rejected and hated Him… But Jesus suffered this wretched behaviour on our behalf. That makes Him altogether lovely. Do any of us hate Him? Hate Him? Yes, hate Him.  Do any of us use His name as a common swear word? If we do, we are speaking as though we despise Him. If we are guilty of that crime, it doesn´t seem that He is lovely to us. Also, if we will not trust Him alone for our salvation is that not yet another way of despising Him! When you stand before God on Judgement Day, is there anything more that you woul