
Showing posts from May 28, 2023


" In the L ORD have I righteousness and strength." — Isaiah 45:24 [KJV] To trust in our own righteousness, and to glory in our own strength, is natural to us all. But when a poor sinner "knows himself, even as he is known of the Lord," he thinks otherwise. When he becomes a follower of the Lamb, he learns the language of Canaan, and says, "I have no confidence in the flesh." I subscribe with my whole heart to this confession of faith, "In the L ORD have I righteousness and strength." That the Lord Jehovah is a God of righteousness, and that He is almighty in strength, who will dare deny? But by faith we speak the most comfortable knowledge of covenant grace: I, a poor sinner, who am without strength, destitute of righteousness in myself, have both strength and righteousness in Jehovah . What I am, a sinner by nature and practice, that Jesus became by imputation. What Jesus is in His nature, and by His life, perfectly RIGHTEOUS,