
Showing posts from May 3, 2022

Eyes Only Toward the LORD!

"The eyes of man, as of all the tribes of Israel, shall be toward the LORD ." -Zechariah 9:1 [KJV] Precious Jesus! when shall this blessed scripture be accomplished? "The eyes of man!" What man? Surely as the church's glorious Head, and as her glorious Representative, the eyes of our Lord Jesus Himself were always from everlasting directed to Jehovah His Father. But secondarily, and subordinately, the eyes of thy redeemed, blessed Jesus, the eyes of man, the eyes of every man, must ultimately, as the tribes of Israel, be all toward Thee for salvation. Thou indeed hast said, "Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is none else , " Isaiah 45:22.   Pause, my soul! this evening, over this view of thy Jesus, for it is a very blessed one, and see what improvements under divine teaching, thou canst draw from it. It is said, That as one of the tribes, yea, all the tribes of Israel, every eye shall be upon Jesus. And


"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world ." - John 16:33 [KJV] Has not our path been one of tribulation, more or less, since the Lord was first pleased to turn our feet into the narrow way? But have we found, do we ever find, peace in Jesus? Do we desire to find peace there? Do we look for peace, do we expect to enjoy peace, from any other quarter? Dare we think, for a single moment, of peace in self, peace in the world, or peace in sin? Is our heart so fixed upon Jesus, our eyes so up unto Him, the desires of our soul so after the manifestations of His mercy and love, that we are sure there is no peace worth the name except what is found in Him? Our seasons of peace may not have been long—they may have been transient, very transient; yet sweet while they lasted, and sufficient to shew what true peace is, sufficient to give us longings after a clearer manifestation of it, and make us desire a fuller enjoyment of it. And yet the