" My beloved is mine." -Song of Solomon 2:16 [KJV] Here is a knowledge worth more than heaven and earth. For heaven and earth shall pass away, but this knowledge endureth for ever. O happy souls who are favoured with it, give fresh glory to your Beloved to-night. Ye who are seeking it, rejoice. For He hath said, “every one who seeketh findeth” (Matthew 7:8.) Happy Job was favoured with it, when he was in heaviness through manifold temptations—broken in the place of dragons, and covered with the shadow of death. Then he must have utterly fainted, had he not believed. Time was, when Job could say, my health, my wealth, my honours, my children, my comforts, but a period came when all these were taken from him. He had nothing within nor without to stay his soul upon, but the word of the Lord, and the Lord revealed in the word. This was his support and his glory. Though I have lost all things, I have my Redeemer still. He lives. I know it. While He lives, I canno...