
Showing posts from July 26, 2024

Believe on the LORD JESUS Christ!

" This is His commandment, that we should believe on the name of His Son JESUS CHRIST, and love one another." -I John 3:23 [KJV] When a weary traveller has lost his way, what pleasure must the sight of a directory afford him? How must his joy be increased, if it informs him he is near a dear friend’s house, who will kindly receive him? Weary pilgrim, look at this directory, and rejoice. You are near a dear friend, who will kindly receive, and heartily welcome you. Obey this command, and enjoy the comfort.  Consider, (1st.) Who commands. God the Father of heaven: that God against Whom you have sinned, and by sin art become miserable. He would have you be both holy and happy. You can be neither without believing. Both are enjoyed in faith.  (2d.) The command. Believe . By the ten commandments thou art condemned: thou art brought in guilty by them. The law ministers nothing but wrath and condemnation. God be merciful to us miserable sinners! God shews mercy. O the l